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President Nelson is more than happy to warm up Elder Garrett at Mormon Boyz

Mormon Boyz released a new and hot scene today and it is called “The Covenant“. Elder Garrett kneels before the Brethren and prepares for his entrance into the covenant. Before he can be ordained, he must be of one flesh with his leaders. President Nelson is more than happy to warm up the young Mormon for his final steps into the Order. Doing what he was told and hoping to make his leader’s proud, the young boy forced himself down on the silky skin stretched wide over the long hard shaft, working through the gagging and choking to see it through to its intended climax.


Watch the full scene with President Nelson and Elder Garrett at Mormon Boyz



  1. Darkhog
    Darkhog August 27, 2017

    President Nelson, where did you cum from nailing Elder Garrett until you both cum!

    • QueerKing
      QueerKing August 27, 2017

      That body of President Nelson tough…wow

      • Darkhog
        Darkhog August 27, 2017

        And I want to take all his sins away😈

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