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Golden-skinned Murray can teach beefy hunk Sean a thing or two – Sean Cody

Mega muscle jock site Sean Cody has a new scene for you today. Golden-skinned Murray cannot help but to show off his boxing skills any chance he gets. The tall, chiseled stud loves to get a training in when he can, and teaching beefy hunk Sean a thing or two. “We’re supposed to be lovers, not fighters!” says dark-haired Sean, as he narrowly misses a right hook and plants a kiss on Murray.

“I used to do a little amateur boxing. It kept me in shape and I plan on getting back into it,” says Murray. He continues, “Alright, left and right and then kiss. You ready?” The men keep the game going until they both get so horny they have to take the game inside for a private one-on-one.

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Watch the full scene with Murray and Sean at Sean Cody


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