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Howard couldn’t get enough of Joey’s sweet ass at Sean Cody

Sean Cody has a new hot scene for you today! Howard couldn’t get enough ass, so he’s back to take Joey’s big butt…and my, oh my has it grown! He kept sneaking a few peeks at Joey’s ass throughout the day, and was so distracted by it he couldn’t think straight. “I’ve been doing my squats!” Joey explained how his ass got bigger and better. “Joey’s awesome…but I’m a little distracted and bias because of the ass.” Howard couldn’t get enough of that ass!

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Watch more of Joey and Howard at Sean Cody


  1. Darkhog
    Darkhog January 5, 2017

    I would live in Joey’s ass!

  2. Brian Odom
    Brian Odom January 5, 2017

    Luv Howard’s sleepy eyes!

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