It’s a parody, it’s a reboot — it’s a reboot-parody! It’s Must Seed TV by Lucas Entertainment! Lubricant tycoon Drake Barrrington (Billy Santoro) has it all: a life of luxury, decadence, and debauchery. It’s a life he’s ready to share with his soon-to-be husband, Kristoffer Jennings (Drae Axtell) — but just when life seems to be a wet dream come true… ENTER ALEX! Alex Barrington (James Castle), Drake’s hot-tempered first husband, returns to makes things as sticky and slippery as the lube magnate could imagine. These three are ready to dine on drama, and on ass.
Watch the full scene with Billy Santoro, Drae Axtell and James Castle at Lucas Entertainment

Watch the full scene with Billy Santoro, Drae Axtell and James Castle at Lucas Entertainment
Damn, I want in!
Hot threesome!